FlyWater provides conventional and GPS surveys of river channels for the development of mapping and surface data. We provide hydrologic development and 1D and 2D hydraulic modeling services to support design and permitting.
Our Survey and Hydraulic modeling capabilities include:
GPS Stream Survey - Our team can perform existing conditions geometry survey to characterize channel slope and dimension, ground truth LiDAR, and survey existing FEMA FIS cross-sections.
Habitat Survey - Our qualified team can inventory existing aquatic and riparian habitat and determine representative substrate particle size.
Survey Post Processing and Mapping - Our engineers can process collected survey with best available LiDAR data to form a working topographic dataset and basemap.
Hydraulic Modeling (HEC RAS) - FlyWater will develop existing and proposed hydraulic models to understand and quantify effects of any proposed improvements. Detailed habitat scale modeling is available to evaluate overwintering depths and velocities. Capabilities also include the C/LOMR process as-needed.
Scour and Stability Analysis - Our engineers can perform analysis on proposed structural elements such as boulder toes, rock vanes, habitat roughness fields, flow training structures, armored riffles, bioengineered bank treatments, etc. Designs can be tailored to maintain pool depths, form bars, or encourage low flow narrowing.
Geomorphic Analysis - FlyWater engineers can analyze collected data to evaluate and identify any instabilities and areas of aggradation or excessive entrenchment with a property.